Saturday, March 30, 2013

We have killed our greatest lover just because of this:

But it was planned, Jesus gave his life so we could be free and have a new start.
So, imagine how bad are our mistakes that he had to give his blood.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Even you can´t believe it, this apparently labware are  just storage jars for your kitchen and a NH3 molecule candlestick.
                     Designed by Kevin Champion

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Warm dessert: Apple Crumble


   Apple crumble is a dessert of British and Irish origin. It is very tasty therefore it is very popular. 
Here you have a few poems written by people expressing their feelings about apple crumble:

                   In my mouth                                                        Apple crumble is a treat     
              The flavors tumble                                                      Hiding underneath    
           Melting, rising, drowning                                         Are delicious stewed apples
  Quelling my stomach, used to rumble                                     Sugary and sweet     
       The crisp crunch, wet munch                                          With crumble topping
              Of apple crumble.                                                            So divine!  
                                        Shale                                                                                             Dreamofolwin      
                                                        R E C I P E

For the crumbles:                                      
  • 200g flour
  • 100g sugar
  • 100g cold butter
  • 1 tspn ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg (if you like)
  • 1 pinch salt (IMPORTANT)
For the apple:
  • 750g cooking apple
  • 1 lemon's juice
  • 75g of sugar
  • Some raisins (if you like)
  • Medium sized baking dish 
  • Bowl


    1.-Put all the crumble ingredients in a bowl, rubbing the dough with your fingers in order to make visible  crumbles. Set aside.
    2.-Turn on the oven to 190ºC
    3.-Peel the apples and core them. Cut into not too small pieces. Put them in the baking dish.
    4.-Pour over  the apples the lemon juice, put the raisins, the sugar and stir.
    5.-Cover the apples with the crumbles and place in the oven.
    6.-Remove from the oven after 45-60 min . Serve warm.

Note: It's more tasty if you pour some milk over the portion you are going to eat.
You can do "crumble" with every sour fruit.

Thursday, March 21, 2013



Today is 21st of March, it means that SPRING BEGINS!!. So I would put a welcome to spring :)

              " For, lo, the winter is past,                                       
              the rain is over and gone;                                                         Awake, thou wintry earth -        
         The flowers appear on the earth;                                                      Flying off thy sadness!
      the time of the singing of birds is come,                         Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth                          
               and the voice of the turtle                                                       Your ancient gladness!
                  is heard in our land."                         
                                                                                ~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn"~ 
                  ~Song of Solomon 2:11-12 ~                      

                   Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.    ~Virgil A. Kraft ~

   That God once loved a garden we learn               The naked earth is warm with Spring,
   in Holy writ.And seeing gardens in the.            And with green grass and bursting trees
            Spring I well can credit it.                                   Leans to the sun's kiss glorying,
                                                                                           And quivers in the sunny breeze.
           ~Winifred Mary Letts~   
                                                                                                             ~Julian Grenfell~

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Eclairs au chocolat with healthy chocolate filling.

  I love this eclairs, first, because they are healthy, and second, beacause they are really simple and quick to make.
   This recipe makes around 15 eclairs.


Dough:                                        Filling:                                                     Topping:                                                                  +70g flour                          +60g flour                                         +Around 100g chocolate
+55g butter                        +75g sugar
+140ml water                    +50g cocoa powder
+2 eggs (beaten)               +vanilla bean (or 1 bag
+1 pinch of salt                       of vanilla sugar and then,
+1 pinch of sugar                    instead of 75g sugar, 68 g)                                      
                                               +1/2 l milk                  
                                               +2 egg yolks



  1. Preheat oven to 200ªC.
  2. Melt butter with water in a saucepan.
  3. Add flour and let boil stirring constantly.
  4. Remove from heat and add salt and sugar.
  5. Add beaten eggs gently.
  6. Fill a pastry bag (without nozzle) with dough and form stripes on a backing sheet, covered with backing paper, with enough room for prevent sticking  at the growth.
  7. Sprinkle with water and bake for 20-25 min.
  8. Make a hole on the end of each eclair with the narrow nozzle of the pastry bag and put again in the oven for 10 min with the door slightly open and heat turned off or lowed, so that the eclairs can dry inside.
  1. Boil in a saucepan the milk with the vanilla.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar and add  flour.
  3. Add the milk to the egg mix and return to the saucepan. Boil until it thicks.
  4. Add cocoa powder.
  5. Let it cool until the eclairs are done. Before replenish, you should stir the filling so that lumps desappear.
Getting together:
  1. Fill the eclairs using the pastry bag (narrow and long nozzle) with the superb chocolate stuffing. 
  2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave [periods of 30 s, stir it between each period, until the chocolate is not melted at all (you DON'T have to heat it too much, it will make white spots)] and dip the top of the eclairs. 
  3. Let cool the chocolate. If it was good melted, it will make a satisfying noise when you bite.
  4. Don't wait till tomorrow if you want them to be in the best condition.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

All-Natural Green Mossy Grass Necklace

   This wonderful handmade necklaces are made from wood and moss.

   The artist is "Mr. Lentz", an american modern cowboy that create and design functional items and jewelry.You can search his works or learn more about him on his blog, or buy this ones in his online-shop.